Ryuichi TAKAHASHI was born at Chiba university hospital on January 31st in 1954
he received the B.S. degree in physics from Waseda University
in 1978 and M.E. degree in information
processing from Tokyo Institute of
Technology in 1981
During 1981-1991, Ryuichi_TAKAHASHI
had been working for Nippon Electric Company, LimitedNEC)
as a researcher as well as a VLSI engineer,
where the letters LSI stood for large scale insanity in 1980's. .
Hardware implementation of a software could be accomplished by
Describing the algorithms in an appropriate hardware description language (HDL)
Quicksort Eengine synthesized by describing the algorithm in an HDL by ryuichi TAKAHASHI in 1991
Engine is the hardware implementing a function implemented originally by a software.
Engines are very fast in comparison with the original softwares.
In our trial, engines were 10 times or 100 times faster than the corresponding softwares.
In 1991, He
moved to Tokyo Institute of Technology, where he had been
having a class for microcomputer design using TTL as an
assistant professor.. He joined Hiroshima City University in 1994,
where he had been working as an associate professor on faculty of
information sciences.
having a class known by
devices and tools |
years | platform | simulator | synthesizer | place and route |
1996-1997 | Sun WS | Verilog-XL | Synergy | XACT |
1998-2005 | Sun WS | Verilog-XL | Synplify | Alliance |
2006-2008 | Windows XP | ModelSim XE | Synplify | ISE |
During the 13 years of City-1:1996-2008, 647 junior students of the Department of Computer Engineering had designed and assembled their own original FPGA computers. 553 out of 647 (85%) students succeeded to complete their machines.
Ryuichi TAKAHASHI received the excellent educator award from Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)
in 2004
for this educational activity MMicrocomputer design educational environment City-1 using HDL
which was a class having extraordinary completion ratio.
by using FPGA for junior students of the Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University.
digital algebra for electronic device design
received the PH.D.
degree from Keio University in 2010 with a
thesis entitled "Microarchitecture
education using the Design on HDL,"
Ryuichi TAAHASHI retired Hiroshima City University at age 65 on March n 2019
RYUICHI TAKAHASHI iS a senior_Member ofIEEE(2011.11-),
acm,,Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), IEICE
and Japanese Society for Engineering Education(JSEE)
free download pieces composed by Ryuichi TAKAHASHI:
Op.2: City-1,G-dur (1998)ducation.mp4" TARGET=_top>computer engineering,C-dur (199
7) for The pictures of the first 3 years of City-1 since 1996 | mp4 | 3:28 | 13.0MB |
Op.4: City-1 goes on,F-dur (2000) for the pictures of the next 2 years of City-1 in 1999-2000 | mp4 | 4:12 | 12.8MB |
Op.5: Beyond pipelining,D-dur (2002)bR> for the pivtures of the next 3 years of City-1 in 20001-2003 | mp4 | 3:47 | 11.8MB |
Op.6: Adversity,g-mol (2003)
| mp4 | 3:03 | 7.0MB |
Op.7: God's will,fis-mol (2004)BR>for the pictures of the last 5 years of City-1 in 2004-2008 | mp4 | 4:22 | 12.0MB
an Mysterious event happened on the 25th of October 2017 Sadako, SASAKI |
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