
Hiroshima City University days of Ryuichi TAKAHASHI

Ryuichi TAKAHASHI joined Hiroshima City University as an associate professor on the April of 1994, when the university established. He ran an microcomputer design education known as City-1 for 13 years with the greatest enthusiasm as his lifework since 1996 when the first junior students appeared in the university.

Ryuichi TAKAHASHI visited the dome in Hiroshima for the first time on the December of 1993, when the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Sciences and Technology allowed the establishment.

44 years old Ryuichi TAKAHASHI in 1998 at a lecture for the newcomers to the university.




  1. Ryuichi TAKAHASHI:
    Digital Algebra for Microelectronic Design(in Japanese)
    Kagakujoho shuppan Co. Ltd.(2013)

  2. Ryuichi TAKAHASHI:
    System Development and Design Using Verilog HDL(in Japanese)

  3. Ryuichi TAKAHASHI:
    Deep Study on System Development and Design(in Japanese)
    Saiensusha (1996)

Journals and Papers:

  1. Ryuich TAKAHASHI and Yoshiyasu TAKEFUJI:
    "Instructional Scaffolding for ASIP Design Education
    with System Verilog Assertion
    considering Situated Nature of Learning,"cIJCSNS
    International Journal of Computer Science and
    Network Security, Vol.16 No.10, pp.116-121 (2016)

  2. Ryuich TAKAHASHI, Hajime OHIWA and Yoshiyasu TAKEFUJI:
    "A Fine Grain Microprocessor Design Education
    considering Situated Nature of Learning,"cIJCSNS
    International Journal of Computer Science and
    Network Security, Vol.8 No.6, pp.194-198 (2008)

  3. Ryuichi TAKAHASHI and Hajime OHIWA:
    "Situated Learning for Fine Grain Microcomputer
    Design Education,"(in Japanese)
    Journal of JSEE, Vol.54, No.2, pp.55-61 (2006)

  4. Ryuichi TAKAHASHI and Noriyoshi YOSHIDA:
    "Design Education for Intelligent Digital Systems Creation," (in Japanese)
    The Journal of IEICE, Vol.81, No.9, pp.908-912 (1998)

  5. Ryuichi TAKAHASHI and Takashi NANYA:
    "Logic Circuit Design for Testability Using Orthonormal Expansions,"
    SCRIPTA TECHNICA, Inc. Systems and Computers in JAPAN,
    Vol.26, No.11, pp.1-11(1995)

  6. Ryuichi TAKAHASHI and Takashi NANYA:
    "Logic Circuit Design for Testability Using Orthonormal Expansions," (in Japanese)
    The Trans. IEICE, Vol.J77-D-I, No.12, pp.785-793 (1994)

International Conferences, etc.:

  1. Ryuichi TAKAHASHI and Yoshiyasu TAKEFUJI:
    "SystemVerilog Assertion for Microarchitecture Education
    considering Situated Nature of Learning: A Senior Project,"cACM,IEEE
    IEEE Proc. MSE 2011: International Conference on
    Microelectronic Systems Education pp.112-113 (2011)

  2. Ryuici TAKAHASHI, Kenta KANDA, Yuji KIHARA, Hajime OHIWA:
    "CS Education for High School Students
    Focusing on Energy Consumption on FPGA,"
    Supplementary Proc. ICCE2007:15th International Conference on
    Computers in Education pp.39-40 (2007)

  3. Ryuichi TAKAHASHI and Hajime OHIWA:
    "Legitimate Peripheral Participation on FPGA
    for Fine-Grain Microprocessor Design Education,"...ACM, IEEE
    IEEE Proc. MSE 2005 :International Conference on
    Microelectronic Systems Education, pp.99-100 (2005)

  4. Ryuichi TAKAHASHI and Hajime OHIWA:
    "Situated Learning on FPGA
    for Superscalar Microprocessor Design Education,"...ACM, IEEE
    IEEE Proc. SBCCI 2003 :16th Symposium on
    Integrated Circuits and Systems Design, pp.243-248 (2003)

  5. Ryuichi TAKAHASHI and Noriyoshi YOSHIDA:
    "Superscalar in City-1 : An Educational Guide
    to the next step beyond Pipelining,"
    Proc. SSGRR 2002s : International Conference on
    Advances in Infrastructure for e-Business,e-Education,
    e-Science, and e-Medicine on the Internet (2002)

  6. Ryuichi TAKAHASHI and Noriyoshi YOSHIDA:
    "Diagonal Examples for Design Space Exploration
    in an Educational Environment CITY-1,"...ACM, IEEE
    IEEE Proc. MSE 1999 :International Conference on
    Microelectronic Systems Education, pp.71-73 (1999)

  7. Ryuichi TAKAHASHI, Takashi NANYA:
    "Multilevel Logic Design for Testability using Orthonormal Expansions,"
    ACM, IEEE Proc. IWLS 1995 : International Workshop on Logic Synthesis,
    pp. 6.41-6.46 (1995)

Ryuichi TAKAHASHI in 1997, which is the 2nd year of City-1.